Duolingo (Jun.2021 - Sept.2021)

Improve DET (Duolingo English Test) user experience and code scalability

  • Improve score sharing flow with more user-friendly interface
  • Create bulk synchronization script from Salesforce’s institution database for better searching functionality
  • Rebuild research page with improved refactorization and new UI using TypeScript/React
  • Write System Design spec for DET frontend microservice and working on creating the subservice

UCLA Micro-Nano Manufacturing Lab (Oct.2020 – Jul.2021)

Build GUI for Electrowetting chip controller and elaborate Edrop website for chip manufacturing. As a student Researcher, I built the EWOD GUI, which is a PWA built on top of a normal React Web App with serviceWorker. I also improved the Edrop website using React+JQuery as frontend tech stack and Loopback as backend framework.

  • Improve Edrop Website frontend and MySQL database design.
  • Utilize service worker with React to build PWA for GUI, with IndexedDB for file saving.
  • Use WebHID api to access the EWOD controller HID and perform read-write operations.
  • Create user interface for drawing electrodes with Material UI and test with Jest + Testing-library.
  • Use Cypress for end-to-end testing.

SARU: Innovative Recycling System (Jul. 2020 - Oct. 2020)

This project builds a mobile app to encourage users to correctly recycle trash and monitored for recycling firms. I worked as a Full-Stack Engineer

  • Use React Native as frontend framework and NodeJS Express as backend framework
  • Use Twilio SMS sender API and SendGrid SMTP server to send validation code to users as an option for login.
  • Realize photo uploader and store them in Google Storage service
  • Communicate with embedded device on recycling bin using QR code scanning.

WeBuy (March.2020 – June.2020):

A software constructed for people to search for nearest supermarkets that has inventory of groceries they want. As a full-stack engineer, I used React Native as the Framework to build mobile app UI and NodeJS Express as backend framework.

  • Implement content-based recommendation algorithm on supermarkets that fit users’ preference
  • Provide optimum solution for user to buy a list of groceries using Simulated Annealing algorithm
  • Implement a shopping list management system for users’ convenience while buying.
  • Use Google Map API to generate a list of supermarkets near users
  • Use Redux to control the states between different UI components
  • Link to github repo

KitchenMate (Dec.2019 – May.2020)

A software that helps people organizing their daily meal plan, monitoring inventory of ingredients they have in their home, and generating shopping list for them to buy in groceries stores.

  • Completed fully functioning UI for beta test on Apple Store.
  • Completed data collection and connections with backend APIs.
  • Will add more features in Phase II development, such as recipe sharing and Google account login.
  • Link to github repo