I’m currently a third year Computer Science and Applied Mathematics student at the University of California, Los Angeles. I have at least two years non-professional experience in Software Engineering, including Frontend/Backend development, Database management and design, and code testing. I’m working at Duolingo for 2021 Summer SWE internship, specifically working for DET(Duolingo English Test). At school, I worked at DevX as a backend engineer for database migration(mongoDB to DynamoDB) and as a full-stack engineer for an external project (Saru Recycling). As a student researcher, I worked at UCLA Micro Nano Manufacture Lab for developing GUI for EWOD chips and improving microchip purchasing website Edrop.

The courses that I have already taken includes Operating System Principle (CS 111), Programming Language (CS 131), Software Engineering (CS 130), Database Management (CS 143), and Algorithm (CS 180). Feel free to discuss any of these topics with me.